General Guidance
Section 4.1 of Boise State University Policy Number 5030 requires all proposals to be routed through OSP Pre-Award Services prior to submission to the sponsor. To allow for the routing, review, and approval of all proposals, OSP Pre-Award must receive the final, complete proposal documents by no later than five (5) business days prior to the proposal submission deadline. With the exception of the final narrative, no further changes should occur to the proposal, including the budget, after the submission of the final documents. The final narrative must be submitted to your Pre-Award Research Administrator (RA) by three (3) business days prior to the submission. Minor changes to correct mistakes identified in the proposal routing may be corrected after the five (5) or three (3) day deadlines.
Pre-Award Services has developed this Document Submission Deadline Guide to help PIs determine (a) whether certain proposal documents are narrative documents and may be submitted to Pre-Award in accordance with the three (3) business day rule and (b) whether a change may be made after the five (5) or three (3) business day deadlines.
Is this document a Proposal Narrative Document?
*While this is a comprehensive list, OSP Pre-Award cannot assure that it includes every sponsor document. Please contact your Pre-Award RA ( if you are unsure whether a document qualifies as a narrative document.
What changes are permitted after the five (5) or three (3) day deadlines?
**OSP Pre-Award cannot assure that this is an exhaustive list. Please contact your Pre-Award RA ( if you are unsure whether a change is permitted after the five (5) or three (3) day deadlines.