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Support for Instructors at Boise State University

Boise State University offers a wide range of resources to support educators, delivered by units that are focused on supporting the teaching mission of the university. Scroll down the page for additional support for teaching, offered by programs and departments across the university. Whether you are teaching in person, hybrid, remote, or online, there are many support units to assist you.

Teaching Resources

Albertsons Library

The library’s team is excited to collaborate with instructors to impact student learning. You can seek us out when you are looking for learning materials, and integrating information literacy instruction or emerging technologies into your curriculum. Some specific services for instructors include:

  • Dedicated liaison librarian for your department
  • Access to emerging technologies equipment, tutorials, and workshops
  • Information literacy instruction customized to discipline and learning outcomes
  • Request a consultation about open education practices, including use of open educational resources (OER)
  • Support in purchasing or licensing learning materials for our collections

Find and contact your liaison librarian to learn more about ways the library can assist you in creating meaningful instruction experiences.

Career Services

Career Services assists instructors in preparing students for meaningful careers. As campus career development experts, we offer consultation on enhancing career education within your courses, and have a wide range of tools and resources for use in your classroom. Some of our specific services for faculty include:

  • Consultation on ways to integrate career planning into classes and assignments
  • Recommendations for helping your students better understand the skills they’re gaining in your courses
  • Support in developing career-related learning outcomes
  • Career reflection examples and integration support
  • Career readiness curriculum for experiential learning courses
  • Custom curriculum or course development assistance

Find a full list of resources and contact your Career Services liaison on our Career Services Faculty and Staff Resources page.

Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning helps instructors to deliver excellent courses. Through workshops, individual consultations, faculty learning communities, a course design institute, and other programs, the CTL is here to support you in creating and delivering student-centered assignments, courses, and curricula. You might seek support from the Center for Teaching in order to:

  • Craft meaningful learning outcomes, and design courses around them.
  • Incorporate active and collaborative learning in class.
  • Create courses that are welcoming, inclusive, and accessible across a broad range of student identities
  • Talk with experienced educators about the challenges of teaching.
  • Design assignments and activities that take into account current scholarship on teaching and learning.
  • Write a student-centered syllabus.
  • Manage the demands of teaching within your life and career.
  • Strategize emerging issues in your class.
  • Using instructional practices based on evidence and research.
  • Empower students to succeed.

If you would like an individual consultation with one of our staff, please complete the CTL Consultation Request Form and we will be in touch with you.

For complete information on programming offered through the Center for Teaching & Learning, please visit us at the CTL website. For questions on how the CTL can support you and your courses, email the CTL.

eCampus Center

eCampus Center helps instructors with all aspects of online teaching and learning. This includes everything from designing fully online courses, brainstorming ideas related to how to teach online, strategies for making your course accessible in Canvas, and more. You might reach out to us for:

  • Assistance with the design and development of a fully online course
  • Discussing strategies for engaging students in your online class
  • Consultations on improving aspects of your online course
  • Access to templates, recommendations, and best practices for your online course
  • Participate in professional development about teaching and learning online
  • Support for research and innovation in online education including open education resources, emerging technologies, data, and more

For more information, please visit the eCampus Center website, complete the online request form, or email eCampus.


The Institute for Inclusive and Transformative Scholarship (IFITS) helps instructors to align their teaching and their scholarship. We offer different ways to engage with us including workshops, individual consultations, and faculty cohorts. You might come to us in order to

  • Learn about how to be an inclusive mentor;
  • Find approaches on how to engage undergraduate students in research;
  • Craft grant applications that require an educational or broadening participation element;
  • Discuss creative ways to integrate your scholarship into your courses

For more information about IFITS and our programming, please visit us at the IFITS website. For any questions or requests, please email Donna Llewellyn.

Learning Technology Solutions (LTS)

Learning Technology Solutions bridges our enterprise technology environments with the teaching, learning, training, and testing needs of our campus community. We do this by evaluating, managing, and supporting enterprise systems like Canvas and Zoom and services like training design and test proctoring. Here is a general list of LTS services and how to find them:

  • Get advanced support on a range of technical topics (via the Help Desk)
  • Work with our team to evaluate and improve our instructional technology tools
  • Use Bronco Learn to access (or create!) web-based training
  • Utilize our Academic Testing Center for in person or remote proctoring
  • Partner with our Proctoring and Certification Services to connect Boise State programs and services with placement exams, prior learning assessment, and professional certifications
  • Access a trove of written resources for a wide range of tools and topics


The CTL’s Service-Learning team helps instructors explore, plan, and implement hands-on, community-engaged learning experiences in their courses. You might reach out to us when you want students to engage/serve with local community organizations as part of your course. The Service-Learning team can consult with you about:

  • What types of community engagement would work well for your course
  • Which community partners might be relevant to your course and what’s involved in developing community partnerships
  • How to integrate experiential learning best practices into your course
  • How to navigate logistical details for successful implementation and assessment

To explore possibilities, visit the Service Learning website or contact Kara Brascia, the Director of Service-Learning.

Additional Resources

Academic Alert: Request Academic Support for Undergraduate Students

The academic alert referral service provides faculty with an outlet for requesting support for undergraduate students who are struggling academically.

You can visit the Academic Alert Website, Submit An Alert, or send Academic Alert an email.

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity offers faculty support through every step of handling potential academic misconduct, including suggestions for approaching conduct conversations with your student.

For more information, please visit the Academic Integrity website or email Academic Integrity.

Academic Support Services for Boise State Students

This site acts as a landing page for all academic support services available to students at Boise State including subject area tutoring and general academic skill-building resources.

For more information, please visit the Academic Support Services website or email Academic Support.

Albertsons Library MakerLab

The Albertsons Library MakerLab offers emerging technologies and experiential learning tools (3D Printers, Laser Cutter, Sewing Machines, Vinyl Cutter, Soldering Irons, etc.) to the entire campus community both inside and outside the classroom.

For more information, please visit the MakerLab website or email MakerLab.

Albertsons Library Video Production Suite

The Video Production Suite offers tools for creating video instruction components (green screen wall, lightboard, teleprompter and lighting) – assistance available during normal business hours, or with an appointment.

For more information, please visit the Video Production Studio guide or email Library VPS.

Archives and Primary Sources

Special Collections and Archives in Albertsons Library provides hands-on instruction and activities for students to explore physical and virtual primary sources, use critical thinking and interpretation skills, and conduct original research.

For more information, please visit the Special Collections and Archives website or email the Albertsons Library Archives.

English Language Support Program

ELSP provides multilingual students with free tutoring, advice, and peer networking, and supports faculty and staff in serving a linguistically diverse campus.

For more information, please visit the English Language Support Programs website or email English Support.

Student Connections Center

No cost, confidential support; community building; and programs. Serves all students; specializes in serving students impacted by violence as well the LGBTQIA+ community.

For more information, please visit the Student Connections Center website or email the Student Connections Center.

Help Desk

The Help Desk is here daily to ensure you get the support you need for technology on campus. Please reach out to us for the technologies used both in our classrooms and online for instruction. Get advanced support on a range of technical topics, including advice and instruction on how to accomplish tasks within Canvas, how to use the tools in classrooms, and how to use the Blue course evaluation system or any of the other campus-wide instructional technology tools. We are also here to support non-academic tools such as wireless, phones, printing, office computers, Oracle, PeopleSoft and much more.

Website: Boise State Help Desk

Student Involvement and Leadership Center

The Student Involvement and Leadership Center engages students in experiential learning opportunities, including student organizations, leadership and service programs, student government, and campus events.

Website: Student Involvement and Leadership Center

Student Outreach and Assistance

Student Outreach and Assistance provides tailored interventions for students with concerns/barriers impacting their well-being and academic success. Refer your student for outreach and/or connect your student with food, financial, and legal assistance.

Website: Student Outreach and Assistance

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities serves not just as a disciplinary system, but also as part of the educational system by setting standards and procedures necessary for maintaining and protecting an environment conducive to learning in and out of the classroom. Report a concern here.

Website: Student Conduct

Veteran Services Center

The VSC is a resource for educators with students who are Veteran, Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve, or the Dependent of a Veteran, by providing education about, and resources for this population of learners.

Website: Veteran Services Center

Veteran Student Support Services

The VSSS supports Veteran students who are first generation, or low income, or have a disability with individualized advising and advocacy, as they navigate the University system.

Website: Veteran Services Center

Writing Center

The Writing Center provides individualized writing support for undergraduate and graduate students across the disciplines.

Website: The Writing Center

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